A Mathematical Model Using AHP-Based Parameters for Solving Location-Allocation Problem

Document Type : LMSCM 2024


1 Operations Research, Izmir Democracy University, Izmir, Turkey

2 Industrial Engineering Department, Izmir Democracy University, Izmir, Turkey


This study includes the strategic placement of emergency supply centers that serve as temporary warehouses within a region, ensuring quick access to affected individuals in disaster scenarios. In this context, the aim is to decide which warehouses will be opened and assigned to the disaster area(s) in case of an emergency, by minimizing the weighted distance. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is utilized to determine the weights of possible warehouses considering various features, such as cost, capacity, ease of transportation, and more. Subsequently, a mixed-integer linear mathematical model was developed, focusing on minimizing weighted distances while solving the location allocation problem. Various scenarios were investigated to identify potential disaster area locations and the number of warehouses to be opened. The study differs from other studies in the literature by determining the weights of the criteria used in facility location selection using survey results and applying multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology. The results of MCDM provide weights of potential warehouses and are used as input to the mathematical model, which aims to minimize the weighted distance. The developed mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model was solved optimally, and the results obtained for all scenarios were analyzed to ensure that the warehouse location and assignment decisions were made quickly and efficiently in emergencies. Geographical and logistic scenario analyses based on Izmir province go beyond theoretical results and turn out to be practical and useful applications.



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