Providing Business Package Services to SMES Using Lean Manufacturing and Digital Technologies

Document Type : SEMIT 2024


1 Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University

2 15 Temmuz Şehitleri Yerleşkesi, Ayvalı Mah., Gazze Cad., 150. Sokak, Antares AVM


This study investigates the effect of lean production systems on the performance of businesses. Lean manufacturing is a production philosophy that aims to reduce waste, increase efficiency and maximize customer satisfaction. The aim of the research is to evaluate the contribution of lean production principles to business performance and to understand the impact of these system applications on business processes. This study was carried out in cooperation with the Ankara model factory affiliated with the Ministry of Industry. It includes improvements that can be made in the application areas used within the Model Factory, based on the lean production principles of this organization for small and medium-sized (SME’s) enterprises. Lean manufacturing principles were extensively researched using current literature sources and their potential benefits were determined through practical training within the Model Factory. In this study, by creating four work packages, the benefits they provide and their contribution to the Model Factory will be examined. The Standard Operation Combination Table (SOCT) study showed that a 200% increase in profitability was achieved by reducing the number of workers from three to one in the first work package. The regression analysis of the milling machine's sensor data revealed strong correlations between various variables. High R-squared values between current and voltage pairs and between noise and temperature indicate robust relationships in the second work package. Sensor technology, IoT, cloud computing, and tools like Node-RED have been studied, their output are extracted and used for anomaly detection for third work package. Based on the survey results, the current digital maturity levels of SMEs will be determined and areas that need improvement will be identified and digital transformation strategies are proposed as the fourth work package.


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