Strategies for Green Supply Chain Management: A Comprehensive Review for Environmental Sustainability

Document Type : Review Paper


North South University


In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the urgent need for environmental sustainability across various industries. This imperative has led to a profound transformation in supply chain management practices, giving rise to the concept of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). Unlike traditional supply chain approaches, GSCM places a heightened emphasis on integrating environmental considerations throughout the supply chain lifecycle. This paper embarks on a comprehensive exploration of key strategies within the realm of GSCM, encompassing sustainable sourcing, eco-friendly packaging, carbon footprint reduction, and broader environmental initiatives. Through a meticulous synthesis of scholarly literature and empirical evidence, this review sheds light on the significance of GSCM strategies and their transformative potential for environmental sustainability. By elucidating the principles, challenges, and opportunities associated with GSCM, this paper aims to provide valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers alike. Keywords: Green Supply Chain Management, Environmental Sustainability, Sustainable Sourcing, Eco-Friendly Packaging, Carbon Footprint Reduction, Broader Environmental Initiatives.


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